Fabric Masters uses equipment designed only for upholstery and drapery cleaning. Other cleaners typically will use a portable carpet cleaning machine or a truck mounted carpet cleaning machine, and both of these are risky on fine upholstery to say the least. We use The Ultimate, by US Products. This machine is designed only for upholstery with the correct pressure, vacuum & temperature. Perfect cleaning - every time.
- Wet side cleaning - very effective, and usually dry by the time we leave
- Dry cleaning on location - we use the very latest methods to safely dry clean using safety solvents. We can clean materials you may have been told are too delicate, by their nature or from age. "Bleeders" - "dry clean only" - or goods you have been told are "uncleanable" - many times can be safely cleaned using our procedures.

At the end of the job we recommend using a premium fabric protector on all upholstered furniture. It makes the fabric easier to vacuum, helps make the piece easier to clean in the future, and can give you some time to react if a spill occurs.